Bitterroot is a Boulder-based trio comprised of Caroline Quine (The Keenas, The Clarks), bassist Matt Cantor (Gasoline Lollipops, Gipsy Moon, The Jeremy Mohney band), and former Cleveland-area guitarist Kevin Johnson (Mo' Mojo, Hillbilly Idol, Brent Kirby). Their Americana/folk sound features original compositions, engaging vocals, and soulful instrumentation.
New release!


We don't have any show scheduled at the moment.
Stay tuned for the release of our new single St. Joseph!


Building an EP, song by song
Live recordings from 6th Street Studios (thanks, Max!)


Live recordings from Still Cellars, Longmont CO
Produced by Fox Tracks Music

Clip from Bitterroot Quarantine Concert: For What It's Worth by Stephen Stills

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Caroline Quine (vocals, acoustic guitar, songwriter)

Caroline hails from a musical family from Akron, Ohio. After raising her own family, she re-ignited her musical aspirations with The Clarks (of Boulder) and The Keenas, who regularly performed in the Boulder area and throughout Colorado. Vocals are her strong suit, showcased by her melodic, narrative songwriting style.

Matt Cantor (bass, vocals)

Matt lends his considerable skill on acoustic bass and musical arrangements to Bitterroot. His style influences range from jazz to gypsy jazz to swing. A founding member of Gipsy Moon, Matt also performs swing with The Jeremy Mohney band and gigs regularly with other local acts.

Kevin Johnson (guitar, vocals)

Kevin is a musician’s musician and arranger, having developed and honed his chops playing all styles of music with cruise ship bands and orchestras. He has travelled the world with Cleveland-area zydeco band Mo’ Mojo, and was the bassist for Brent Kirby and Hillbilly Idol. He performs regularly in the Boulder / Denver area with various jazz, swing, bluegrass, pop, and rock bands.

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